We are able to paint our own frames to whatever design you can come up with. We use top quality automotive paints either as a gloss/matt/satin finish or a basecoat with a clear coat for that super shiny finish.
We have many examples of multiple colours, fluro, fades, metal flake, metallic and flips.
We have vinyl cutting facilities to produce shapes, fonts and logo and can source old sticker designs for repainting old frames..
Choosing the paint is often the hardest part whether it’s choosing the right shade or matching that favourite old retro motorsport paint scheme.

Truck bed paint
Automotive paint creates some stunning finishes but it can be prone to scratches and damage if abused or used heavily. An alternative that has become popular is the use of ‘truck bed’ paint. this is typically used for hard work areas on trucks but can also create a very functional finish for a bicycle. The finish doesn’t have the gloss and depth of automotive paint but it can be a cost effective way to create a durable finish.

Powder coating
We also work with a local powder coater who we’ve used for many years and really happy with their quality and finish. This creates a really resilient finish which is particularly good for cargo bikes, mountain bikes and commuters where they inevitably take some knocks.